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VODÁK sport | speciálka na lodě a běžky



Ahoj vodáci, běžkaři,
budeme rádi, když se o své zážitky na vodě či v bílé stopě podělíte s námi. Za každý publikovaný článek s fotkama dostanete od nás dáreček. Napište nám na
137 9.11.2021 22:51:32     Autor: Jirka
Firstly, why should you buy cross-country skis? Simply because you don?t have them or you need a new and better pair instead of your old one.
24.9.2009 19:30:53     Autor: Alena Bečková
15.9.2009 23:09:30     Autor: Katka M.
16.1.2008 15:16:10     Autor:
As you have already noticed in news there has been a Paddling school prepared for season 2008.
20.5.2007 21:31:28     Autor: Ondra
20.5.2007 21:31:58     Autor: Jirka
Weather here looks like full spring. Flowers sprout up from wet warm soil and they don?t even have to strike through unpleasantly cold snow layer.
20.5.2007 21:32:28     Autor: Jirka
The weather encourages to unpacking white water equipment and going to one of those beautiful flooded mountain streams. Some actually do so and we others envy them quietly, because this winter?s snow conditions are really terrible. At first sight it looks that it?s impossible to ski anywhere.
4.12.2010 22:33:19     Autor: Jirka
Firstly, why should you buy cross-country skis? Simply because you don?t have them or you need a new and better pair instead of your old one.
24.1.2007 11:04:14     Autor: Jirka
Yesterday, on his 56th birthday, Láďa Vaňha left for a better world.
21.1.2007 13:32:51     Autor: Jirka
The Sport Life Fair is in full swing. Here are some first photos of our stand only, because we weren?t able to take a look round the whole fair, yet.
21.1.2007 20:53:27     Autor: Jirka
As usually, this year?s Vavrinec creek was a success. What shall I write, you all have been there anyway, or haven?t you? Raise your arm, if you weren?t there :-)
21.1.2007 13:33:26     Autor: Jirka
Orienteering ? is that a good idea? What kind of idea is that anyway?
21.1.2007 20:46:12     Autor: Jirka
Dolomitenmann seen with competitor?s eyes. I wrote this article immediately after I took part in this race for the first time.
21.1.2007 20:57:19     Autor: Jirka
river Fela - Italy 14.7.2006
21.1.2007 21:06:03     Autor: Katka Migdauová
Repre v Nothinghamu
21.1.2007 21:09:32     Autor: Jirka
Hi. Wery nice weekend was tlast weak at new machine rodeo hole - Sopotnice....
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