Lending rules
- VODAK sport, s.r.o. provides its customers with services that consist of lending boats (canoes, kayaks, rafts) and their accessories – hereafter the equipment – for arranged payment. The price is stated in a Pricelist of the services. VODAK sport, s.r.o. retains the right to modify the pricelist, but possible changes do not apply to already concluded agreements.
- Customers interested in the VODAK sport, s.r.o. services are required to present at least two identity documents when completing a Lending agreement. The understood documents are especially an identity card and a driving licence or a passport.
- Rental charge for the equipment must be paid in advance or at least on receipt of the equipment.
- Customer is required to pay a deposit for the hired equipment at the amount of 50% of its purchase price. The deposit will be refund after returning of undamaged equipment. In case of damage, destruction or loss of the equipment, the deposit will be used for its repair or repurchase. Customer signs up in the Lending agreement to pay differences between the deposit and the amount of damage in two weeks after the emergence of the damage, if necessary.
Kauce může být snížena individuálně na každé prodejně a to například podle tabulky v ceníku půjčovny.
- Customer is required to check the condition of hired equipment on receipt. Later complaints won’t be regarded. Customer is responsible for the condition of the hired equipment after its receipt and he is required to protect it from damage, destruction or loss.
- Customer is required to return the hired equipment on the day fixed in the
- Lending agreement. He is required to pay a contractual fine at the amount of triple day rate for each day of delay. This provision does not change the claims that result from responsibility for damage.Provision of point 6 does not apply to cases when the Lending agreement has been extended by an arrangement between the customer and VODAK sport, s.r.o.
If anything happens |
How much will you pay |
Loss or complete damage |
Full price of hired equipment |
Damage of hired equipment |
Price of the repair |
Dirty or wet boat |
Broken handle of a C1 paddle |
Return of the equipment after the fixed date |
Triple day rate for each day of delay |
In Brno 5 May 2006
VODAK sport, s.r.o.